Is there a free way to repair the registry in Windows XP?
Not free scan,but actual repair ? Or free repair after free scan? Why dosen’t XP restore reg. files & programs like 98 S.E. did? Thank You.
Oh, yes. There are literally TONS of free apps that do this. But playing with the registry isn’t something to be taken lightly.
There are only 3 apps that I would recommend for this chore:
Registry Mechanic:
CCleaner and RegistryMechanic both do really good jobs of cleaning the Windows registry. Yes, there are more "thorough" apps, but they may get rid of entries that you desperately need.
CCleaner is free, while RegMech is shareware, and CCleaner also has other functions as well, so it’s probably your best bet.
NTREGOPT simply restores your registry to Windows’ original registry, and compacts the registry as well. It’s also free and can be used in combination with either of the other two.
Good luck!!
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why whats wrong with your registry? Dont beleive the hype from reg cleaner software vendors with all their claims of repairing PC’s , it just doesnt work that way , all they do is delete obselete software keys which will never cause any trouble anyway and certainly wont speed up your pc.
If they were any good you would get one included with your operating system.
One thing i would recommend is a good reg defrag program
also download c cleaner
its reg cleaner is as good as any , it wont find thousands of problems like the pay ones will , but thats because yuo most likely dont have any problems , its all scare tactics
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Oh, yes. There are literally TONS of free apps that do this. But playing with the registry isn’t something to be taken lightly.
There are only 3 apps that I would recommend for this chore:
Registry Mechanic:
CCleaner and RegistryMechanic both do really good jobs of cleaning the Windows registry. Yes, there are more "thorough" apps, but they may get rid of entries that you desperately need.
CCleaner is free, while RegMech is shareware, and CCleaner also has other functions as well, so it’s probably your best bet.
NTREGOPT simply restores your registry to Windows’ original registry, and compacts the registry as well. It’s also free and can be used in combination with either of the other two.
Good luck!!
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there’s a lot of program that can scan and fix your registry but if your registry was totally mess up then i sudgest reformat your hard drive and re-install a fresh copy of windows’s one of registry fixer glary utilities this program is free just go to but if you want to spend money then use REGCURE program.
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