Home > Reg Repair > Rover 998cc G reg car, broke down, garage told me it wasnt worth repair, son tells me its worth lots.?

Rover 998cc G reg car, broke down, garage told me it wasnt worth repair, son tells me its worth lots.?

February 2nd, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

The break down driver told me the nos plates were worth £250, the garage told me my costs to keep it road worthy would be the same, the scrap dealer would give him £25 for it. Now my son, neither of us are car wise, has told me he looked on the internet and saw a car like ours and it was worth a considerable sum. ?

listen to the garage its a f**king rover for gods sake
if i was you take it to a scrap yard ask them to crush it into a table and stick it on ebay

bloody rovers

  1. locko550
    February 2nd, 2011 at 06:47 | #1

    listen to the garage its a f**king rover for gods sake
    if i was you take it to a scrap yard ask them to crush it into a table and stick it on ebay

    bloody rovers
    References :
    had rovers in the past ……..crap

  2. Minxy_uk
    February 2nd, 2011 at 06:57 | #2

    I’m sorry to say its not worth anything really – if your ‘traded’ it in to a car garage they would not give you anything for it. Best thing to do is stick it on ebay if your really not sure and see what u can get for it….Might be someone looking for spares/ parts?
    References :
    I work in Motor Trade

  3. m c
    February 2nd, 2011 at 07:20 | #3

    What kind of rover is it ??

    If its a Metro, maybe not worth so much.

    If its an old Mini, it could be worth holding onto !!

    What is it ?
    References :

  4. ayyaz321
    February 2nd, 2011 at 07:44 | #4

    its not worth a penny more than a tenner.
    References :

  5. kidneyoperation
    February 2nd, 2011 at 07:54 | #5

    If not repairable, part it out on Ebay.
    References :

  6. PETER F
    February 2nd, 2011 at 08:03 | #6

    What is a Rover 998cc? I didn’t think Rover made any cars in 1989-1990 with a 998cc engine.
    References :

  7. the_angel_and_the_vampire
    February 2nd, 2011 at 08:09 | #7

    I agree with M C if its a metro its not worth it but if its a Mini it probably is, if you told us the model and what is wrong with it we could could be more help.
    References :
    been in the motortrade scince I was about 14

  8. avian
    February 2nd, 2011 at 08:55 | #8

    If I recall, 998 cc was the capacity of one of the Mini-Coopers of old. If it is one of those models then some enthusiast might consider it worth a few pounds. But if it is a Rover Metro then do as some one above has sugested – and scrap the hideous little monster! It was one of the reasons we no longer have a motor industry of any size!
    References :

  9. strawman
    February 2nd, 2011 at 09:34 | #9

    As long as your car has an MOT you can sell the number plate before you scrap it, I can’t see how your car is worth loads, look on ebay, autotrader etc. By G reg do you mean 1989 / 1990 then I can’t see how it would worth spending money to keep it going, it’s not a rare car, or special they sold a lot of them and most cars at over 10 years old are worth buttons.
    A mini from the ’60’s it reasonable condition can be worth a couple of thousand, more for a cooper version, but they are Austin not Rover.
    References :

  10. advent m
    February 2nd, 2011 at 09:59 | #10

    I think we might need the colour of the car to ascertain if it is worth anything.

    Oh Yeah and the model!
    References :

  11. Creepingrot
    February 2nd, 2011 at 10:34 | #11

    I have no Idea what it is worth but the thing to take into consideration is that Rover no longer exists as the company it used to be. I know a garage that I was speaking to said that they could not get many of the parts and the only way was to go to the breakers yard. This was some thing they had rarely done in the past.

    So it may be worth more for its spares than to keep it on the road.

    But if you need it kept on the road get estimates from at least six garages and ask your friends who they use and try them.

    Never reveal you have been somewhere else and what they have said.
    References :

  12. Kyle
    February 2nd, 2011 at 11:22 | #12

    visit http://austin-rover.co.uk/cgi-bin/forum/index.php and ask in there for a sensible answer!

    You will need to be a bit more specific, car type(Mini or Metro) and what the mechanical problem is.
    Friendly bunch and we will do all we can to help.
    References :
    Ex Austin/Rover mechanic.

  13. mick
    February 2nd, 2011 at 11:44 | #13

    No matter what your son read on the Internet a G reg 998 Rover is not worth a lot of money sorry its a fact the garage was correct.
    References :
    Many years in motor trade.

  14. Tom
    February 2nd, 2011 at 12:21 | #14

    stick it on ebay and find out
    References :

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