Home > Reg Repair > what should we expect as insurance payout on N reg Nissan Primera, written off in accident (3 1/2 K to repair)

what should we expect as insurance payout on N reg Nissan Primera, written off in accident (3 1/2 K to repair)

February 4th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

The other party accepted full liability for the accident, as she pulled out of junction slamming in to passenger side of car. The car cost £500 to buy. We have never been involved in an accident before so we are stumbling around in the dark as to what to expect from her insurance company.

you will get the auction price not much.DON’T ACCEPT THE FIRST OFFER. tell them it is not enough.

  1. Gemma
    February 4th, 2011 at 23:44 | #1

    Year and mileage please.
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  2. peter p
    February 5th, 2011 at 00:30 | #2

    you will get the auction price not much.DON’T ACCEPT THE FIRST OFFER. tell them it is not enough.
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  3. Nimbus
    February 5th, 2011 at 01:01 | #3

    You can only claim what the car was worth and your additionals costs that have resulted from the accident. The market value of a N reg primera is no more than what you have paid.

    You can obtain a little more in proving a claim for fares and other journeys. if you need to hire a car whilst your is off the road phone the insurance company first to obtain approval
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  4. haysi0
    February 5th, 2011 at 01:40 | #4

    You will most likely get the current market value which is around the 500 pounds mark dependant on the cars condition before the accident.As any repairs over the price of he car automatically write it off
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  5. Ollie
    February 5th, 2011 at 01:51 | #5

    They have a price list.See what they offer if you do not agree refuse.They may offer you more or they might tell you thats the going price.Good Luck
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