What would be prefer that utility software must have : A) Clean Registry Function,B)Clean Junk Files Function?
A) Clean Registry Function
B)Clean Junk Files Function
C)Clean History (Privacy) Function
D)Delete invalid Shortcuts Function
Ideally you should go for software that cleans the registry, as this will repair and remove all errors from the registry file system. Software that just removes junk files may leave broken or corrupt files on the system, as the software function would not be as thorough cleaning.
Try Tune up here you can see about it: http://www.tune-up.com/products/tuneup-utilities/
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I love CCleaner it’s free and does a great job but if you’re
looking to buy Tun up Ultilities is also great.
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Ideally you should go for software that cleans the registry, as this will repair and remove all errors from the registry file system. Software that just removes junk files may leave broken or corrupt files on the system, as the software function would not be as thorough cleaning.
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