Home > Registry Utility > Where is the startup folder located in the registry editor?

Where is the startup folder located in the registry editor?

November 24th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

After a virus had been wiped from a computer, its remains (dormant) are still found present in registry I think. Because I could not find it in the startup folder or in msconfig. Whenever the windows starts, it tells me that an application was missing or cannot be found, then My Documents opens up. It was not like this when the computer was still infected. I want to know where this command located in the registry editor.

restart in safe mode
scan for viruses and adwere
clean it/remove it
and restart in normal mode
clean up the registry
with tune up utility
or reg cleaner
restart again

  1. jibbarjabar
    November 25th, 2012 at 03:19 | #1

    There are dozens of locations in the Windows registry that malware can use to startup.

    Most malware will not use the obvious locations.
    References :

  2. Rocker
    November 25th, 2012 at 03:24 | #2

    restart in safe mode
    scan for viruses and adwere
    clean it/remove it
    and restart in normal mode
    clean up the registry
    with tune up utility
    or reg cleaner
    restart again
    References :

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