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windows: disk wipe and the registry?

January 25th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

will using an industrial-strength disk-wipe utility like Active Kill Disk on my windows machine take care of any wierdness in the registry (such as malware that has written itself into the registry) or should i wipe the disk but also use a registry utility to repair it separately?
the trick is that windows wont start up so everything has to be done via dos or something that can boot itself.

Why don’t you just down load "RegCleaner" and run it? and while your about it down load "CCleaner" as well.

That should do the trick.

  1. sicknote10
    January 26th, 2011 at 02:42 | #1

    Why don’t you just down load "RegCleaner" and run it? and while your about it down load "CCleaner" as well.

    That should do the trick.
    References :

  2. dunkel2004
    January 26th, 2011 at 03:21 | #2

    Get registry cleaner from McAffee. It works great!!!
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