Best way to Adverstise my Computer Repair Bussiness?
I am going to school for Information Technology, and am opening a compuyer repair shop out of my home. The name is S & S Computer Repair. 956-650-5505. Serviceing the entire Rio Grande Valley. What would be the best way to advertise this and get some results? Any suggestions, or slogans, or logos would be appreciated.
Put a small add for your company at the bottom of your email as a signature.
Recruit your friends to help advertise by word of mouth.
Buy some shirts that advertise your company and wear them everywhere you go.
By the magnetic signs that go on your car. They cost about $60 for two.
Attend The Early Show’s live broadcast they are going to have at the island and hold up a sign.
Register on Rio Grande Valley sites that have free directories.
Buy an membership to Rio Grande Valley Chamber of Commerce and get listed on their website.
Ultimately it is word of mouth that is best.
However that is the trick of the whole game until you get going so to speak.
It depends on your budget so to speak.
If you can do targeted google ads strictly for your area that can be good.
Remember that in the end many of the smaller computer firms make their money on emergency spyware / virus removal.
People are resistant to paying for computer repair – go figure. They feel that they should get it for free – and remember a mythical big box store ad.
You might also do well with problems with vista and vista upgrades ( no sound etc etc). They had to have vista for some foolish reason as it is new .
Once installed they find they cannot go back.
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dude spam
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How about making up some professional flyers and putting them at the home of everyone you can possilby get to. Also give one to all local business. You will really have to pound the pavement. An ad in the local yellow pages might work.
Do not give up!Good luck
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I would create a website, (microsoft has free ones at office live) and they will teach you how to advertise, is a free yellow pages, you can create flyers and take them to local businesses. Most areas have like a pennysaver, or bargain newspaper in that area where you can advertise, you can search for free advertising online, there are hundreds of ways you can get your name out there.
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I opened a computer repair business out of my home back in 2002, before Geek Squad was around, before anyone to my knowledge in the town was doing it.
I started in the newspaper, and ran a continous ad, paying a month a time with 3 month contracts. At first my phone rang off the hook, but as time went by the calls started dropping off dramatically.
I checked the newspaper, and low and behold 4 or 5 other people had copied my idea, and put there own ads (all ahead of mine in the list). One guy even went as far as duplicated my ad word for word ! It eventually got to where there was maybe 2 calls a month.
So, IMO the best solution is a yellow page ad, but it takes time, and if you don’t get a business line and ad up in time, you’ll be waiting almost a year to see any results.
Not trying to scare you away, but don’t expect to get rich off your business. I was lucky just to make enough to pay off the ads and operating costs each month, and it got worse as more competion got out there.
You’ll get mostly people calling wanting free advice, go on calls where the caller is not at home, and really crappy repair jobs where the computer is a relic and unfixable (yeah they tried 10 others before you to fix it), or really strange people that have other motives for asking you to come over.
I did manage to get repair work for local business (real estate), and that was great. They pay you well, appreciate you, and usually the problems are easy to resolve. Make business cards up, and head out to small businesses. Talk to the managers, good luck.
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Put a small add for your company at the bottom of your email as a signature.
Recruit your friends to help advertise by word of mouth.
Buy some shirts that advertise your company and wear them everywhere you go.
By the magnetic signs that go on your car. They cost about $60 for two.
Attend The Early Show’s live broadcast they are going to have at the island and hold up a sign.
Register on Rio Grande Valley sites that have free directories.
Buy an membership to Rio Grande Valley Chamber of Commerce and get listed on their website.
References : has a free directory.