Home > Register Repair > Can you register a car in NJ with a rejected inspection sticker?

Can you register a car in NJ with a rejected inspection sticker?

January 19th, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

Getting a good deal on an older car but its rejected for have no converters on the exhaust. No big deal to me as i can put them in asap but can I register the car this way?
Its a 94 mustang GT if that helps.

If I remember right I believe that you can get it resistered and then you have 30 to 45 days to get the car repairs done. I dont remember but there are different inspection codes for older cars. The best way for you to really know is call your local dmv and they will be able to answer the question for you.
I hope this helps you out some. But like I said call and ask because they change the law so many times you if you live there then you would know how much they change the law all the time.

  1. flo
    January 20th, 2013 at 02:54 | #1

    If I remember right I believe that you can get it resistered and then you have 30 to 45 days to get the car repairs done. I dont remember but there are different inspection codes for older cars. The best way for you to really know is call your local dmv and they will be able to answer the question for you.
    I hope this helps you out some. But like I said call and ask because they change the law so many times you if you live there then you would know how much they change the law all the time.
    References :
    Jersey my home town.

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