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How do I repair/realign a garage door safety switch?

January 17th, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

The two sensors are mounted on the track about 6 inches from the floor. The light on the left sensor is green and the light on the right is yellow. I think that these have to be perfectly aligned and thus both green (?) but are there any tips on how to do that? Leave the green alone and just move the other around until that shows green also? If so will it flicker to green immediately or does it take time to register that it is in alignment? Any tips or tricks?

I repair garage doors for a living. One sensor should say receiving (green) and the other sending(red orange). You should move the receiving sensor around until the green light is solid, and then wiggle it back and forth. If the green light flickers at all you need to align it better. If this does not work check the wiring terminals in the back of your opener to make sure the wires are not loose. If it still does not work you probably have a bad receiving sensor that needs to be replaced.

  1. ethx1138
    January 18th, 2013 at 05:37 | #1

    I dont think its the colors so much as that they arent blinking or flickering. Sometimes they make those lights different colors so you know where to hook them up on the opener part. Anytime I hook one up I just tie a string on one and go to the other one with it. This gets them pretty straight with each other. Anyway a good test is to just try the door. Punch the button once and if the door goes up without stopping or down without stopping, your fine. Hope I helped……
    References :
    Maintenance Guy at a retirement community

  2. stsis
    January 18th, 2013 at 06:13 | #2

    I repair garage doors for a living. One sensor should say receiving (green) and the other sending(red orange). You should move the receiving sensor around until the green light is solid, and then wiggle it back and forth. If the green light flickers at all you need to align it better. If this does not work check the wiring terminals in the back of your opener to make sure the wires are not loose. If it still does not work you probably have a bad receiving sensor that needs to be replaced.
    References :
    13 years as garage door tech.

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