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what is the best repair manual for hyosung sense motorscooter?

December 31st, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

i really need to learn from the ground up. repair bills are killing me!
i have the owner’s manual which is a joke, and i have thrashed around the manufacturers site and been to all the sites that say they are the best REPAIR manual but not being able to look at them i don’t know! plus, surely someone has one already they’d be willing to share online..thx!

Go on line to their web site they have all the manuals their to be down loaded. you have to register then it all is available to you. Those are usually good scooters and are not from China as the other answer said. We never have any problem with them.

  1. dirtytricksracing
    December 31st, 2012 at 13:08 | #1

    Go on line to their web site they have all the manuals their to be down loaded. you have to register then it all is available to you. Those are usually good scooters and are not from China as the other answer said. We never have any problem with them.
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